A tear. A smile.

I spent fourteen years of my life in one of the oldest cities of the world, Damascus. In my stories i give an insight into the political, cultural, social and religious structure of this city. The stories I’ve written are bilingual, in German, since I have been living in Vienna for ten years now, and in Arabic, because I want to share this work with my family in Damascus. On the one hand I try to conserve my memories in this book, because places do not exist anymore and people no longer live where they once lived. On the other hand, I confront them and try to make peace. Since the revolution, life in Syria has changed drastically. The current situation is marked by fear, civil war and a refugee crisis while people still hope to rebuild this country. Inspired by Hakauwati, the great storyteller who used to enchant life with his stories, I felt compelled to do the same and tell my friends about Damascus. The book is published by weissbooks.w. and is availabe in bookstors.

